10:16 AM Posted In beads , Beorningstead , mommy realities Edit This 0 Comments »
I haven't posted in ages. The last few weeks have been crazy. Bry was in charge of Young Men's camp for our district a couple of weeks ago and Molly was away at Young Women's camp. I had been looking forward to a week off from construction to play in my new studio. I was going to have a bead party and make Ugly Dolls with Maxx and everything. But somehow the week just got eaten up with all kinds of stupidity and I had almost no time to create or clean or construct. It turns out that it is a really BAD idea to run YM and YW camp at the same time when your district is really small.
Sometime during that week, my gorgeous, guilty plastic beads arrived from China. I think I might be addicted. I also got some new, fun brass bead caps. No photos yet.
Then last week was work week at his parent's home which is a fun and worthy tradition with all of the cousins clambering around and playing and fighting and having a grand time. It's a great tradition - when it doesn't happen immediately after everyone returns home from camp. By this Sunday, I was so wiped out that I couldn't manage Church. I literally stayed in bed all day. I did do some embroidery of a scissors case I've been pretending to make for 4 years. That was fun.
This week, the men tore the roof off the back part of my house and they have been climbing around up there above my studio every waking hour. It is wonderful. They have accomplished so much - Tuesday the old roof came off. Wednesday the lumber came and the old rafters came off. Yesterday the built and installed all of the new rafters. Today they are working on the decking and maybe even the tin. We might have the roof done before school after all!
I have some wholesale orders to attend to and some small Etsy orders as well as cleaning, priming, painting. My Molly is visiting her aunt Molly & family in Wisconson so I have no talented helper today to work on enamel or painting. We miss her.
I should run and get some work done! I'll post some photos of actual work soon.
Sometime during that week, my gorgeous, guilty plastic beads arrived from China. I think I might be addicted. I also got some new, fun brass bead caps. No photos yet.
Then last week was work week at his parent's home which is a fun and worthy tradition with all of the cousins clambering around and playing and fighting and having a grand time. It's a great tradition - when it doesn't happen immediately after everyone returns home from camp. By this Sunday, I was so wiped out that I couldn't manage Church. I literally stayed in bed all day. I did do some embroidery of a scissors case I've been pretending to make for 4 years. That was fun.
I have some wholesale orders to attend to and some small Etsy orders as well as cleaning, priming, painting. My Molly is visiting her aunt Molly & family in Wisconson so I have no talented helper today to work on enamel or painting. We miss her.
I should run and get some work done! I'll post some photos of actual work soon.
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