List All The Colors!
8:58 AM Posted In enamel colors , supplies Edit This 0 Comments »
It is a wild and crazy time for me right now. Molly's High School production of Pirates of Penzance opens next Friday and I have to have all the costumes ready by Saturday. (It will be O.K. I just have to pace myself well. No long hot baths in the afternoon or eating bon-bons while watching Downton Abbey re-runs.) Watch for Ruth in act two in a fabby steampunk brocade vest with tails - or maybe just visit me in the asylum opening night. I just laid out all the pattern pieces last night and am ever so slightly intimidated.
Today I had a lovely customer inquire about my floral bead caps - how many can he get in which colors - that sort of thing.
Oh my dears! There are so many colors!
I haven't had time to update all of my listings in all of my shops nor have I opened but that is coming soon. When it does, you will see that all of my enameled brass findings are available in all of these wonderful colors.
Except that I left out Shimmering Denim. I don;t have a photo for that yet but it is just what it sounds like, a medium dark denim blue with a subtle shimmer much like shimmery Fuchsia. Very lovely, don't you know.
Here are ALL The Colors! (The dark green not labeled in the large rainbow photo is Mossy - it is a wonderful woodsy color.) Smaller photos for better viewing below.
Sadly, I am fresh out of rose links and large dragonflies right now and will probably be out of floral caps soon. BUT I will be placing a couple of supply orders very soon and guess what? Angel wings are coming back! (Yaaaay!)
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Oh my dears! There are so many colors!
I haven't had time to update all of my listings in all of my shops nor have I opened but that is coming soon. When it does, you will see that all of my enameled brass findings are available in all of these wonderful colors.
Except that I left out Shimmering Denim. I don;t have a photo for that yet but it is just what it sounds like, a medium dark denim blue with a subtle shimmer much like shimmery Fuchsia. Very lovely, don't you know.
Here are ALL The Colors! (The dark green not labeled in the large rainbow photo is Mossy - it is a wonderful woodsy color.) Smaller photos for better viewing below.
Sadly, I am fresh out of rose links and large dragonflies right now and will probably be out of floral caps soon. BUT I will be placing a couple of supply orders very soon and guess what? Angel wings are coming back! (Yaaaay!)
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